Single Buffet Lid
VueLidz are designed to keep your food covered and protected from bugs and germs, providing a professional look, that makes serving food easy. With our reusable lids you can enjoy them time and time again for your next event or outing. Our lids keep your dish hot or cold, food is easily accessible, and neat.
Base: 13 1/8" wide x 10 3/4" deep x 3" tall
Lid: 10" wide x 7 1/" deep
Can the lid be placed in the oven to heat up or bake food?
No, recommendation is not to place in oven when baking or heating up food. However you can heat up food on sterno burners and have our lids covering food while heating up. Please note that there will be condensation when lid is closed while heating up on sterno burners.
Can I fill up food before placing Vue Lids over container?
Yes, recommendation is to full aluminum pan and chafing dishes about half way before sliding on Vue Lidz over container. Then you continue to full up container with food desired.

So why Vue Lidz's?
Sturdy, user friendly, reusable, protective- Just a few reasons to switch to Vue Lidz!